International SpaceWire Conference 2008

4-6 November 2008

Nara Prefectural New Public Hall, Nara, Japan

SWIFT Corot JWST BepiColumbo MMO BepiColumbo MPO Instrument Unit


The full proceedings can be downloaded as a single document here:

Alternatively individual papers, abstracts and presentations can be downloaded using the session index below. Use the links on the navigation menu to find the paper(s) you are looking for.

Papers and Presentations Listed by Session

Tuesday 4th November

Tues 13:30-14:00 - Keynote Speech (30 mins)

Tues 14:00-15:00 - Agency Talks (60 mins)

Tues 15:30-17:00 - Standardisation 1 (90 mins)

Wednesday 5th November

Wed 09:20-09:35 - Standardisation 2 (15 mins)

Wed 09:35-10:30 - Components 1 (55 mins)

Wed 10:50-11:45 - Components 2 (55 mins)

Wed 11:45-12:10 - Networks & Protocols 1 (25 mins)

Wed 13:40-15:20 - Networks & Protocols 2(100 mins)

Wed 15:50-17:05 - Networks & Protocols 3 (75 mins)

Thursday 6th November

Thurs 9:25-10:40 - Onboard Equipment & Software (75 mins)

Thurs 11:00-12:20 - Test & Verification 1 (80 mins)

Thurs 13:20-14:20 - Test & Verification 2 (60 mins)

Thurs 14:20-15:00 - Missions & Applications 1 (40 mins)

Thurs 15:20-16:50 - Missions & Applications 2 (90 mins)